On this page we have collected links to assessments, evaluations and comments after the 2014-15 outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West-Africa. The links points to the landing page on Ebola if there is one. Please send suggestions for new sources to post@epidemi.no. Follow us at Twitter: @epidemino.
1. «Ebola Interim Assessment Panel» – A panel of independent experts to assess WHO’s response in the Ebola outbreak.
Commissioned by the Executive Board (Resolution EBSS3.R1, point 52) of the World Health Organization). Led by Barbara Stocking. Landing page.
- First report of the Panel. 8 May 2015.
- Final report of the Panel. 7 July 2015.
- WHO Secretariat response to the Report of the Ebola Interim Assessment Panel. 19 August 2015.
2. Advisory Group on Reform of WHO’s Work in Outbreaks and Emergencies with Health and Humanitarian Consequences.
Commissioned by the Director General of WHO with support of the World Health Assembly (Resolution xxx). Led by David Nabarro. Landing page.
- First report of the Advisory Group. 15 November 2015.
- Second and final report of the Advisory Group. 18 January 2016.
3. Independent Panel on the Global Response to Ebola
Commissioned by the Harvard Global Health Institute and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Led by Peter Piot. Landing page.
- Final report of the Panel. 23 November 2015.
4. IHR Review Committee
Commissioned by the World Health Assembly (Resolution xxx) based on a proposal from the Executive Board (Resolution EBSS3.R1, point 53) of the World Health Organization). Led by Didier Houssein. Landing page.
- Final report of the Committee. 13 May 2016.
- Decision at the World Health Assembly. May 2016.
- Draft global implementation plan for the recommendations of the Review Committee. 3 August 2016.
- Implementation of the International Health Regulations. Global implementation plan. WHA A70/16 18 May 2017.
- Decision at the World Health Assembly. May 2017.
5. High-level Panel on the Global Response to Health Crises
Commissioned by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Led by Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete. Landing page.
- Final report of the Panel. 9 February 2016.
- UN Secretary-General’s respons to the report. 8 April 2016.
6. Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future
Commissioned by National Academy of Medicine, USA. Led by Peter Sands. Landing page.
- Dzau VJ, Rodin J. Creating a Global Health Risk Framework. N Engl J Med 2015; 373: 991-3.
- Sands P, Mundaca-Shah C, Dzau VJ. The Neglected Dimension of Global Security — A Framework for Countering Infectious-Disease Crises. N Engl J Med 2016; 374: 000-0.
- Final report of the Commission. 13 January 2016.
- Governance for Global Health: Workshop Summary. 13 January 2016.
- Pandemic Financing: Workshop Summary. 13 January 2016.
- Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems to Respond to Global Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Workshop Summary. 13 January 2016.
- Research and Development of Medical Products: Workshop Summary. 13 January 2016.
7. Field practitioners and academics specialised in public health
- Checchi F, Waldman RJ, Roberts LF et al. World Health Organization and emergency health: if not now, when? BMJ 2016; 28 January 2016.
- USA: Independent Panel. Report of the Independent Panel on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Ebola Response. June 2016.
- UK: House of Commons. Science and Technology Committee. Science in emergencies: UK lessons from Ebola. 25 January 2016.
- EU: Lessons learnt for public health from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa – how to improve preparedness and response in the EU for future outbreaks. 14 October 2015.
- Norway: Helsedirektoratet. Erfaringsgjennomgang av norsk ebolahåndtering. November 2015.
See also WHO’s list here
- World Health Organization. A year of the Ebola response «at a glance». WHO, 25 March 2015.
- World Health Oranization. WHO leadership statement on the Ebola response and WHO reforms. WHO, 16 April 2015.
- World Health Organization. 2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak: current context and challenges; stopping the epidemic; and preparedness in non-affected countries and regions. WHO, 15 May 2015. (A68/25)
- World Health Organization. Current context and challenges; stopping the epidemic; and preparedness in non-affected countries and regions. WHO, 9 January 2015 (EB 136/26).
- World Economic Forum. Managing the Risk and Impact of Future Epidemics: Options for Public-Private Cooperation. WEF, June 2015.
- Medicins Sans Frontieres. Pushed to the limit and beyond. A year into the largest ever Ebola outbreak. MSF, March 2015.
- International Rescue Committee. A Different Kind of Army. A call to place community leadership at the center of the Ebola response. IRC, December 2014.
- Humanitarian Policy Group. Overseas Development Institute. The Ebola response in West Africa. Exposing the politics and culture of international aid. HPG, ODI, October 2015.
- Gostin LO, Friedman EA. A retrospective and prospective analysis of the west African Ebola virus disease epidemic: robust national health systems at the foundation and an empowered WHO at the apex. Lancet 2015; 385: 1902–09.
- Heymann DL et al. Global health security: the wider lessons from the west African Ebola virus disease epidemic. Lancet 2015; 385: 1884-901.
- G7. Leaders’ Declaration. G7 Summit, 7-8 June 2015.
- Hayden EC. Spread of Ebola ends: 7 lessons from a devastating epidemic. Nature 2016; 14 January.
- Centre for International Security Studies, University of Sydney. Saving Lives: The Civil-Military Response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. CISS, October 2015.
- Kamradt-Scott A. WHO’s to blame? The World Health Organization and the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Third World Quarterly 2016; .
- The International Rescue Committee. The Ebola Lessons Reader. IRC, March 2016.
- Global Health Governance. The scholarly journal for the new health security paradigm. Ebola: Implications for Global Health Governance. 2016; X (1).
- Lilywhite L. International Health Regulations must overcome perceptions of double standard. Chatham House, 20 May 2016.
- Third World Quarterly. The international politics of Ebola. Third World Quarterly, 10 March 2016.
- Gostin LO, Tomori O, Wibulpolprasert S, et al. Toward a common secure future: Four global commissions in the wake of Ebola. PLoS Med 2016: 13: e1002042.
- Scott V, Crawford-Browne S, Sanders D. Critiquing the response to the Ebola epidemic through a Primary Health Care Approach. BMC Public Health 2016, 16: 410.
- Devi S, Ilona K, Suerie M, et al. Facing forward after Ebola: questions for the next director general of the World Health Organization. BMJ 2016; 353 :i2666
- National Academy of Medicine. The Ebola epidemic in West Africa: Proceedings of a workshop. The National Academies Press, 6 December 2016.
- Rhymer W, Speare R. Countries’ response to WHO’s travel recommendations during the 2013–2016 Ebola outbreak. Bull WHO 2017; 95: 10-17.
- National Academy of Medicine. Integrating clinical research into epidemic response: The Ebola experience. The National Academies Press, 2017.
- Atkins KE, Edmunds WE, Coltart CEM, eds. The 2013–2016 West African Ebola epidemic: data, decision-making and disease control. Phil Trans R Soc B 2017; 372: (1721).
- Andersen KG. Collection of Ebola-related tweets by Donald Trump. Twitter 2014-16.
- World Bank . From Panic and Neglect to Investing in Health Security. World Bank, May 2017.
United Nations (UN)
- Global Ebola Response Coalition
- Verdens helseorganisasjons regionkontor for Afrika (WHO-AFRO) gir råd og støtte til de rammede landene.
Disease Control Centres
- EUs smitteverninstitutt (ECDC)
- USAs smitteverninstitutt (CDC)
Other, non-governmental sources, including blogs
- Center for Infectious Disease Research And Policy (CIDRAP)
- MSF International
- epidemic (blog)
- Virology Down Under (blog)
- Constrained Optimization (blog)
- Centre for the mathemathical modelling of infectious diseases
- Ebola response anthropology platform
- SOS International (company)
- Georgetown University: The Ebola Outbreak: A Global Conversation and Resources
- Humanitarian Data Exchange
- allAfrica news organisation
- Reuters news agency
- Ebola deeply
- Ebola in the news. Harvard School of Public Health.
Free medical journals and libraries
- National Library of Medicine link collection
- The New England Journal of Medicine Ebola collection
- The Lancet Ebola collection
- Science Ebola collection
- PLoS Ebola collection
- Oxford University Press Ebola collection
- BioMed Central and SpringerOpen Ebola collection
Free medical text book chapters
- Manson’s Tropical Diseases. Chapter 16: Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers. Elsevier.
- Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Chapter 197: Ebola and Marburg Viruses. McGraw-Hill Medical.
- Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 20th Edition: Ebola-Marburg Virus Diseases. American Public Health Association.
- More book chapters from Oxford University Press.
Contributions from epidemi
- Aavitsland P. Ebola at the World Health Assembly – a recap. Kristiansand 25.5.2015.
- Aavitsland P. Høringsuttalelse om «Nasjonal beredskapsplan mot ebola». Kristiansand, 1.2.2015.
- Aavitsland P. Ebola, epidemier og risiko. Samfunnssikkerhetskonferansen 2015, 7. 1.2015.
- Aavitsland P. Ebola og de andre sykdommene. Aftenposten.no 13.8.2014.
- Aavitsland P. Norsk smittevern i nasjonalt og internasjonalt perspektiv – aktuelle utfordringer. Legeforeningens kurs for spesialistkandidater i samfunnsmedisin, 9. september 2014.
- Aavitsland P. Ebola-epidemien er allerede en katastrofe. Aftenposten.no 25.9.2014.
- Aavitsland P. På tide med norsk handling mot Ebola-epidemien. Aftenposten.no 8.10.2014.
- Myrtveit AC. Frihet vs risiko. Samtale mellom Preben Aavitsland og Lars Fr Svendsen. NRK P2 Verdibørsen 11.10.2014.
- Gundersen H. Epidemi og demokrati [intervju med Preben Aavitsland]. Morgenbladet 10.10.2014.
Norwegian governmental sources